I am so glad you're here!

It all started with a girl and her camera in a high school photography class. From there, seeing the world behind the lens of a camera became a passion. It was not until college that passion turned into a hobby, which turned into a newfound joy in capturing life for those around me.

Good Finch was named as such because in college my passion met my goals. I lived in Goodwin Hall and Finch Hall during my time at Point Loma Nazarene University. The same place where photography gave me an outlet to deal with some hard life issues I was facing at the time. When it came time to name my hobby, it was an obvious choice to name it after a time that brought me here today.

My hope is to leave you with a memorable experience and photos that remind you of a time in your life. That when you look at the photograph, you remember how you felt, the smell of the air, the love in your heart, the joy of the moment.

Our Philosophy

Photography evokes emotion

Much like music, a photograph can stir up feelings, memories, and emotions. I want you to see your photos and remember those moments for what they are. How you felt at the time, I want them to evoke emotion, stir your soul, and make you smile at the memory of those moments.
Love knows no bounds, and neither do I. I want you to feel safe, comfortable, and your authentic self.

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See My Work